IntroductionYZG & FZG Series vacuum dryer is suitable for drying raw materials of pharmaceutical industry. chemical industry, foodstuff industry, electronics industry, Chinese traditional medicine industry and so on.

Vacuum dryer is to let the raw material be dried at vacuum condition heationg and drying.It uses vacuum pump to damp and make the working chamber form vacuum status.Therefore the dry speed is quickened and the working efficiency is raised.

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- The higher dry speed can be achieved at lower temperature and the heating can be utilized fully.
- Unstable or thermal sensitive raw materials can be dried at lower temperature.
- Raw materials that contain solvent or the solvent to be recovered can be dried.
- The treatment of disinfection can be implemented before drying.Any impufities can not be mixed into it during the period of drying.
- The drier belongs to static vacuum one.Therefore the shape of raw material to be dryed can not be damaged.
YZG and FZG Series vacuum dryer is suitable for drying raw materials of pharmaceutical industry. chemical industry, foodstuff industry, electronics industry, Chinese traditional medicine industry and so on.