1. Regarding personal informaion
Privacy Policy CONOVAL INC. ("CONOVAL") is dedicated to protecting the personal information of visitors to CONOVAL's website. To that end, CONOVAL has established and follows the privacy policy as mentioned below. This privacy policy only applies to personal information of the visitors collected through this website. CONOVAL is not responsible for protecting personal information collected through websites operated by those other than CONOVAL, which are linked from this website.
- Collection of personal information: When CONOVAL collects personal information from a visitor to this website, CONOVAL will, in advance, notify the visitor of the purpose, extent of use, and potential recipients of such personal information.
- Use of personal information: CONOVAL uses the collected personal information to the extent that a visitor to this website has been notified in accordance with the preceding paragraph.
- Disclosure of Information to Third Parties: CONOVAL will not disclose any personal information of the visitors collected through this website to third parties unless it is deemed justifiable to do so.
- Control of personal information: CONOVAL controls the personal information of the visitors collected through this website appropriately and takes security measures by reasonable means in order to prevent personal information from being lost, destroyed, misused, altered, divulged, or accessed by an unauthorized person.
- Miscellaneous: CONOVAL complies with applicable Chinese laws with regard to the protection of personal information. This privacy policy may be changed by CONOVAL, if it may deem it appropriate to do so or in accordance with amendment of such applicable laws or otherwise.
2. Purpose of using personal information
CONOVAL use personal information collected from customers through this Web site only when necessary usage. When these information should be shared with, or outsourcing to a third party, CONOVAL will supervise it and for the obligation of confidentiality regarding the information after impartial investigation.
3. Control and management of personal information
CONOVAL manages your personal information by using latest appropriate procedures that provide strict attention to controls, and observes all applicable national laws and regulations concerning personal information obtained through this Web site by reasonable means in order to prevent personal information from being lost, destroyed, misused, altered, divulged, or accessed by an unauthorized person. In case of outsourcing the related affairs, CONOVAL will also have it to operate the same management. CONOVAL will take quick and appropriate measures against the accident if by any chance.
4. Regarding Cookie
Cookie is used in the Site in order to provide better service to customers, and it is not for specifying personal information or infringing customer's privacy. Meanwhile, if you prefer not to enable cookies, you can change your browser setting to unable cookie function.
* A cookie is a small text file that is placed on your hard disk by a Web page server. Cookies contain information that can later be read by a web server in the domain that issued the cookie to you.
5. Disclosure and provision of personal information
CONOVAL will not disclose or provide the personal information collected in the course of business activities through this Web site to any third party without prior consent, except in the following special circumstances.
- When disclosure is requested from a public institution such as government and municipal offices based on authority provided by law.
- When it becomes necessary in order to conduct business activities in collaboration with group companies and other cooperating firms.
In such instance, we will request the group companies and other cooperating firms to also exercise appropriate controls over such information in the same manner as CONOVAL.
6. Response to requests for personal information
When action such as verification or correction of the personal information provided to CONOVAL is requested by a customer, we will respond within a reasonable scope through following contract.
- Email: postmaster@conoval.com
- Trust Company Complex, Ajeltake Road, Ajeltake Island, Majuro, Republic of the Marshall Islands MH 96960.